Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Jones's Furniture

Yesterday I filled up my Explorer and it cost $70.00. SEVENTY DOLLARS! DID I MENTION IT COST $70.00? It made me think about buying used furniture. We at times as Americans try to keep up with the Jones. We buy the new car, the new house, and we buy new furniture. And you might ask yourself why? Who are the Jones anyway? If you think about it all furniture is used. When you buy new furniture, more than likely, people at the store sat on your new sofa and love seat. They probably opened and closed the drawers on your chest. So, doesn't that classified as used? OK I maybe stretching a bit on that point. But when you look at someone's furniture in their house and it looks new or at the least in good shape, do you ever think, "that must be used furniture!" You see paying new prices for furniture that is marked up 2, 3 and even 4 times is really not necessary. If you want to keep up with the Jones just buy their used furniture at a fraction of the price they paid for it. Because you will need all the extra money you can get your hands on to fill up your Explorer. Did I mention it cost SEVENTY BUCKS to fill up my Explorer yesterday?

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